- The 18 interlocking tiles can be assembled to form a square for sweaters, a rectangle for scarves, a triangle for shawls, or any other shape that suits your knitting.
- They are covered with a fibre that allows the knitted fabric to adhere lightly, which prevents it from moving, but does not form pilling.
- The EVA foam is waterproof which makes the tiles usable on all surfaces. It does not absorb moisture, so your knitwear dries faster than on a towel.
- The tiles are heat resistant and suitable for steam blocking.
- Pins fit snugly into the foam.
- 18 EVA foam tiles covered with fibre, interlocking, each measuring 30cm × 30cm
- 40 stainless steel "T Pins" needles
- A 140 cm X 140 cm square of checked cotton allowing you to measure your knitting in order to lock it at the desired size.
- A jute bag of 35cm X 35cm to store all this stuff